Thursday, September 24, 2015

Being humane towards another human

Hi and hello there,

Personally, I have always enjoy reading non-fiction novel. Especially when it is about people that have difficulty that comes in the shape of psychological, mental or physical. It helps me to understand how they perceive things and operate in the world. It also helps to give me a peek on how their conditions affects people around to them. One of the book that gives me the said advantages is "Ghost Boy".

The following is a video of him at a TED event, telling the simplified version of his story. 

Reading his story are one of the instances that reminds me to always treat my client as human being that have their rights. They may seen lifeless, they may seem brusque, but as human, they have fear, sadness, self-doubt or other emotion that need to be addressed. Experience matures us and learning is a continuous process. Let's always remember to treat them holistically.

Thanks for dropping by~

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